Balidea collaborates with AMTEGA in the development of the Digital Skills Platform of the Xunta de Galicia


5 February, 2024

The platform will allow, among other things, the management of citizens' training records in this area.

As a technology partner of the Agency for the Technological Modernisation of Galicia (AMTEGA), Balidea will be responsible for the development and maintenance of the Xunta de Galicia's Digital Skills Platform. This platform, made up of several integrated tools, aims to support the Galician Digital Skills Framework and will allow, among other things, the management of citizens' training records in this area.

Digital skills

The Ley 4/2019, de 17 de julio, de administración digital de Galicia, points to the need for citizens to participate in the benefits of a digital society and administration. As a result of this law, the Xunta de Galicia promoted the Galician Digital Competences Framework, which details the knowledge, skills and aptitudes considered appropriate for achieving digital competence. Accordingly, the 'Galician Certification of Digital Competences' or 'ComDix' was created, which sets out the requirements and procedures for obtaining it.

Balidea's role

The Digital Skills Platform of the Xunta de Galicia will be built as an ecosystem, made up of several integrated tools, aimed at supporting all the needs of the Galician Digital Skills Framework. Balidea will be in charge of defining the platform at a strategic level, determining how each of its parts will interact, and implementing the final solution, in which 4 main tools have been identified: dissemination portal, certification platform, self-training platform and certificate registration.

The Dissemination Portal is designed as the main website from which users can access dynamic and updated information (such as information on open calls), as well as the other components of the Management Platform. The certification platform will include the necessary functions for calling, taking and evaluating the tests to obtain the ComDix certification. Finally, the self-training platform will function as a training space for the Galician Digital Competences Framework, where knowledge, skills and attitudes related to digital competences can be acquired through e-learning. This will be done using PLAFOR, a self-training and content platform that has been adopted as a standard by different organisations and sectors in the Xunta de Galicia.

Balidea will also be responsible for the development of a technological platform for the management of citizens' training dossiers, which will allow the processing and issuing of the ComDix certificate, as well as the registration of the entities that collaborate in the management of accreditations and in the training and assessment required to obtain them.

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