Balidea, recognised as a global company by the Ardán 2023 report


6 November, 2023

Balidea has just been recognised as a global company according to the Ardán Report, the reference document that analyses the economic and competitive situation of Galician companies in order to determine the state of the Galician business fabric. This indicator refers to Balidea's degree of internalisation from a 360-degree perspective, highlighting our strong culture of strategic orientation towards international markets, our experience and speed of expansion in a wide variety of geographical markets, as well as our commitment to internationalisation in terms of financial and human resources.

It should be noted that Balidea has already been recognised in this report. In 2017 and 2022, it was listed as a wealth-generating company. And in the 2020 report, it was recognised with the Ardán Innovative Company and Gender Equal Company indicators.

Ardán, analysing the strength of Galician companies since 1995

Since 1995, the Vigo Free Zone Consortium has been developing a growing set of business performance indicators to identify and highlight business excellence in Galicia. These indicators, generically known as the ARDÁN indicators, measure the performance of companies in factors related to their competitiveness. These include internationalisation, innovation, the circular economy, gender equality and talent management. An annual survey is carried out to compile these indicators, the results of which are then processed by specialised teams and summarised in the Economic and Competitiveness Report. This report also summarises the detailed analysis carried out by the ARDÁN Business Information Service of the Vigo Free Zone Consortium on aspects related to the economic and financial information of more than 35,900 Galician companies.

Specifically, Balidea received this award as a global company along with 61 other companies from a total of almost 40,000 companies analysed.

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