Balidea joins the Social Forum of the Instituto da Lingua Galega

Consitución do Foro Social do Instituto da Lingua Galega


3 July, 2024

The Social Forum is an external advisory body with 12 members from various public and private institutions.

Yesterday, Tuesday 2 July, the Instituto da Lingua Galega (the Galician Language Institute), a linguistic research centre affiliated to the University of Santiago de Compostela, inaugurated its Social Forum, an external advisory body made up of members from different institutions in the fields of culture, publishing, media, research and business.

Balidea, as a company with extensive experience in the development of linguistic technologies and committed to solutions that enable communication in Galician, was selected to participate in the Forum through the representation of Mari Carmen López Pérez, Head of the R&D Department. The Social Forum will also be attended by Xosé Barato (Galician Actors' Association), Lorena Barbeito (CIEDIX), Senén Barro (CiTIUS), Mónica Fernández (CTNL), Valentina Formoso (secondary school teacher), César González (Incipit), Ana María Guerra (Association of Galician Publishers), Darío Janeiro (CPXG), Justo Rodríguez (USC Linguistic Normalisation Service), Goretti Sanmartín (Mayor of Santiago de Compostela) and Sara Seco (content creator).

Raising the profile of the Institute

Since its foundation in 1971, the Instituto da Lingua Galega (Galician Language Institute) has maintained a constant research activity in the fields of Galician linguistics and philology, as well as in the development of technological applications that make the knowledge generated by its research activities available to both the academic community and society in general.

Now, with the creation of the Social Forum, the Institute aims to go one step further, fully integrating itself into Galician society and developing hand in hand with it. The Forum will be responsible for informing society about the Instituto da Lingua Galega, with the aim of raising the profile of the Institute in its environment. In this regard, the members of the Advisory Board will assist in the preparation and implementation of the Centre's strategic plans, discussing trends and changes in social demands that are of interest for the development of the Institute's research, dissemination and transfer activities.

Inaugural meeting

The inaugural meeting of the Forum was held yesterday in the library of the Instituto da Lingua Galega in Santiago de Compostela. After the presentation of the members, Elisa Fernández Rei, Director of the ILG, explained the functions of the Institute, from the scientific agenda to the actions carried out to promote its research and increase its social projection.

Balidea and Language Technologies

Balidea's presence at the Social Forum of the Instituto da Lingua Galega confirms its role as a benchmark in the development of technologies that enable communication in Galician. After the success of FalAI, which has become the world's largest database of open-mode virtual assistants, Balidea continues to work on the development of virtual assistants that not only express themselves in Galician, but also understand it perfectly, regardless of its dialectal varieties.

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