We are committed to standardisation and excellence

Since the beginning, Balidea has been committed to standardisation and excellence in the provision of services to ensure that the company, as an organisation, adds value to each of our collaborations.

With this philosophy in mind, we have implemented, managed, integrated and certified various quality standards and working models to control all our operational processes, both production and management.

Our primary responsibility and one of the cornerstones of our sustainability is to provide our customers with innovative solutions and services of the highest quality.

The project management, quality and IT security methodologies implemented in Balidea aim to guarantee the quality of the service, while our consultants offer a personalised service and attention to our clients.

Communiqué to suppliers (spanish)

Communication of environmental requirements (spanish) 

Environmental statement (spanish)

Guide to good environmental practice (spanish)

Integrated management system policy. Issue 03 (spanish)

Information on deferred payments to suppliers. Law 15/2010

In accordance with the Resolution of 29 January 2016 of the Spanish Accounting and Auditing Institute on the information to be included in the notes to the annual accounts regarding the average payment period to suppliers in commercial transactions, the following information is provided:

 Financial year 2022
Average payment terms to suppliers (days)41,16
Ratio of paid transactions (days)46,72
Days sales outstanding (days)15,39
Total payments made during the year (EUR)11.681.495,31
Total payments outstanding at year-end (EUR)2.538.417,69

The monetary value and the number of invoices paid in a period shorter than the maximum period laid down in the Late Payment Regulations, as well as the percentage of the total number of invoices and of the total monetary payments to its suppliers, are as follows:

Monetary volume4.593.936,22100%
Number of invoices1.766100%

The data in the table above on payments to suppliers refer to those who are, by their nature, trade creditors for debts owed to suppliers of goods and services, so they include the data relating to the items 'trade and other payables' on the current liabilities side of the balance sheet.

The maximum legal payment period applicable to the company under Law 3/2004 of 29 December, establishing measures to combat late payment in commercial transactions, is 60 days.

Please note that it is company policy not to proceed with payment if, for any reason, the quality of the service or goods received is not as expected or agreed.

Certificado ENS
Acreditación de nivel de madurez 3 de CMMI
Certificado AENOR Empresa Registrada
Certificado AENOR Seguridad y salud en el trabajo
Certificado AENOR Seguridad Información
Certificado AENOR Gestión IDi
Certificado AENOR Gestión Servicios TI
Certificado AENOR Gestión Ambiental


The purpose of the internal reporting channel is to receive, store and process complaints about the violations set out in the Internal Reporting System Protocol - Whistleblowing Channel.

The procedure for internal investigation of the reported information is initiated by a communication from the whistleblower, who informs the person responsible for the internal information system of the existence of a specific fact that could constitute the aforementioned violations.

The internal channel allows written or verbal reporting (including voice messaging system) as follows:

  • By filling in the form below:

    Supporting documentation

    • In person at BALIDEA's headquarters, located on Camiños da Vida street, s/n, Edificio Witland, 15705, Santiago de Compostela, either by leaving it in the reception's letter box or by requesting a personal meeting within a maximum of seven days.
    • By post to the address above.
    • By email to canal.denuncias@balidea.com

      Where appropriate, the reporting person will be warned that the communication will be recorded and informed of the processing of his or her data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.

      In addition, those who communicate through internal channels shall be informed, in a clear and accessible manner, of the external information channels to the competent authorities and, where appropriate, to the institutions, bodies, offices or agencies of the European Union.

      When making a report, the reporting person may provide an address, email address or secure location to receive notifications.

      Verbal comunications, including those made in a face-to-face meeting, should be documented in one of the following ways, subject to the consent of the reporting person:

      • By recording the conversation in a secure, durable and accessible format.
      • Through a complete and accurate transcript of the conversation made by the person responsible for handling it.

      Without prejudice to his or her rights under data protection legislation, the reporting person shall be given the the opportunity to review, correct and agree to the transcript of the interview by signing it.