We boost sustainable AI with the development of the Green AI platform for the National Green Algorithms Program


1 March, 2024

It is a web space aimed primarily at entrepreneurs, professionals in artificial intelligence and other disciplines, and researchers, which will cover all activities related to the PNAV.

Balidea is carrying out the design and development of the software for the construction of the "Green AI" platform, a key project within the National Programme for Green Algorithms (PNAV) of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Civil Service, which will cover all its activities.

Green technology

The National Programme for Green Algorithms (PNAV) is one of the actions of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR). It is part of the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy (ENIA) and has an investment of 257.7 million euros from the EU's Next Generation Fund for the development of environmentally friendly technologies applied to the development of measures to combat climate change.

It will be implemented by 2025 and has three key objectives:

  • Promote a more sustainable and environmentally responsible AI that incorporates environmental sustainability variables from its design and development.
  • To integrate AI into value chains to transform the economic fabric.
  • To promote the ecological transition and the reduction of the carbon footprint.

Balidea's role

The Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Civil Service has defined four major projects, which are aligned with each other, with the fundamental objective of providing the necessary support services for the development of the PNAV. Balidea has managed to lead the first of these, consisting of the "Design and development of software for the construction of the Green AI platform", a web space aimed mainly at entrepreneurs, artificial intelligence professionals and other disciplines and researchers, which will cover all activities related to the PNAV.

The platform will include the following sections:

  • An accessible and highly usable web portal that provides relevant and quality information to the target audience, as well as the most complete and contextualised aggregated view of PNAV's many initiatives.
  • A conversational assistant that allows you to search and navigate content within the portal in an agile and intuitive way.
  • A set of scorecard tools with indicators relevant to the development of the PNAV.
  • A flexible solution that enables non-technical users to publish and manage content.
  • A system for publishing high quality open data as part of the Green AI challenges, as well as linking examples of environmentally sustainable AI algorithms that provide solutions to Green AI challenges and serve as an example to the developer community.
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Presentation of GiDi in Denmark 

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